Virtual Wellness Education

Micro-Learning Videos and Virtual Wellbeing Sessions

The Enlightwell platform provides professional wellbeing strategies designed to increase the productivity and decrease the cost of populations.

Learn Here. Live Well.

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Your Population




Control Costs


Individuals who are:
• Wellness Wise
• More Functional
• Healthier
• Lower Cost

Enlightwell is designed to protect and improve health while increasing functional ability; the ability to live and work with as few restrictions as possible. We're working to create a more productive population that costs less to maintain.

Micro-Learning Video Library 

The Enlightwell Video Library covers a variety of wellness topics that are unique in comparison to those typically offered by health plans, providing support without redundancy.

To combat information overload and burnout, education is provided in a manner that's not overwhelming. 

Participants have access to information that inspires behavior changes to feel, function, and perform better... all while working to lower health risks. 

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Virtual Wellbeing Sessions... Webinars Redefined

These virtual wellbeing sessions provide education and insight for your population, covering a variety of timely health topics that drive positive behavior changes and clinical engagement.

Topics can be scheduled based on population needs including:

* Seasonal wellbeing strategies * Claims data driven concerns * Event support

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As examples of how we take a fresh approach, the following includes our staples for wellbeing education. These focal points expand to a variety of topics that all work together to offer complete and cohesive action plans.

Weight Management

This is better defined as Central Obesity Management. The fact is, abdominal mass is better defining of risk factors associated with obesity. Education exposes myths and provides sound action plans, creating solutions that work with challenges found in current lifestyles.

Nutrition Management

Eating for wellness is not about low-carb or high protein. It’s about eating mostly unprocessed foods with “adequate” amounts of micro and macronutrients specific to your needs. Food choices move us towards disease or better health. Here, we cover eating actions for improved feel, function, and health. 

Exercise Prescription

To build and maintain a functional body, everyone needs strength, cardiovascular, and functional training exercise. Here, we cover the balance of these based on individual needs and desires with plans to protect health, improve function, and maintain steady energy... in that order. 

Stress & Sleep Health

As part of self-care efforts, stress and sleep greatly impact other actions we take for better health. Managing these properly sets the stage for success with all other wellness efforts. Participants learn strategies to promote high-quality sleep and "balanced" stress. And this directly combats feelings of constant overload and burnout.

Energy & Fatigue Management

Living with low-energy impacts stress, sleep, nutrition management, and exercise engagement. Our efforts work toward consistent energy throughout the day that’s not fed by repeated stimulants. By promoting steady waves rather than spikes and falls, we can directly impact performance and productivity.

Wellbeing Programming

As individuals, we have needs that alter general recommendations. This is where physician engagement and clinical accountability become vital for personal wellness success. Our goal: no gaps in care. We'll not only cover the importance of being on-point with engagement, but tools to ensure efficiency in navigating clinical care.

Easy to Access 

Enlightwell is a wellness resource that's available 24/7/365... whenever support is needed. With access via phone, tablet, or computer, topics can be reviewed anytime.

Easy to Follow

Content works to keep attention spans in sync with current lifestyles. Participants begin to understand how wellness works without second guessing their efforts. This new level of confidence drives engagement.

Easy to Apply

Catering to personal needs, abilities, and desires... learning happens at the participant’s preferred pace with content that’s always available when those “moments” strike and guidance and motivation are needed.


  1. Cost effective with easy integration and administration
  2. Accessible with content that's convenient for participants
  3. Easy to understand and apply to various lifestyles 
  4. Vetted through leading wellness organizations
  5. Comprehensive with education that builds over time
  6. In sync with national trends to maximize the utilization of sound resources
  7. Unique with content that does not duplicate other wellness programs 
  8. Inclusive with guidance that spans across numerous health needs 
  9. Available to onsite, hybrid, and remote participants
  10. Supportive of healthcare cost savings

Here's what we'll do...

Provide access to wellbeing strategies to your entire population in a convenient manner. Life is busy these days and distractions are everywhere. With wellbeing content available 24/7/365, participants can always find the time to better their success probability.

Promote your current wellness offerings. If you’re not currently offering wellness services, Enlightwell will get things started in the right direction. If you do currently offer services, Enlightwell will serve as a catalyst to increasing engagement.

Provide education that stimulates action. Many messages in the wellness industry are redundant of what we’ve heard for decades. It’s time to get people thinking; and thinking in terms of what works with current lifestyles. A new approach creates inquisitive minds. And this promotes engagement.

Allow participants to learn at their preferred pace. With overload being a common concern, allowing participants to learn in sync with their work/life schedules keeps a positive “learning” mindset.

Keep clinical engagement at the front of mind. By strategically and frequently including language that speaks to physician interaction, participants are less likely to address health issues late in the game. By keeping the early discovery of concerns at the forefront of wellbeing education, we send the message of prevention that drives a productive and longer lifespan…impacting work and personal life.

Professional Wellbeing Strategies

for Healthy Lifestyle Management

Lifestyles of today are susceptible to overload and ultimately burnout. And with so many mixed messages in the wellness industry, it's vital to keep actions on the right track. With the consistent presence of sound wellbeing content, efforts can lead to a more productive and lower-cost life. 

Learn more about providing Enlightwell to your population through our FAQs

Protecting Your Population

With constant exposure to mixed messaging from the wellness industry, it's vital to keep participants on the path of best practices.

This focus saves time, money, and effort for the individual and the organization.

Efforts benefit participants on two fronts... short-term health directly impacting daily productivity & long-term health directly impacting healthcare spending.